Holistic Happiness: Health and Wellness are Multifaceted

Holistic Happiness: Health and Wellness are Multifaceted

Despite being deceptively simple concepts, health and wellness are multifaceted. Understanding every aspect of your wellbeing can help you to take a holistic approach. When you seek improvements in all areas, you can achieve a level of wellness that’s greater than the sum of its parts. Here’s how health and wellness are multifaceted and how to use this to become happier.

What is Multifaceted Wellness?

If something is multifaceted, then that means that it has many different sides, aspects, or features. It can be easy to look at a concept and assume that it’s a single unified whole. Health and wellness are both examples of this. You may assume that being well or being healthy is a simple, single goal. However, these concepts are made up of many different aspects, all of which need to be identified and worked on.

Wellness can be easily broken down into mental and physical wellness but these categories then need breaking down further. Physical health can refer to your nutritional intake and hydration levels but it can also be measured according to how much you exercise, your blood pressure, heart rate, and quality of your sleep. Those are just a few factors of physical wellness.

Non-physical wellness can refer to your mood levels and happiness but it extends beyond this. It should include how you process emotions, the quality of your relationships, your connection to spiritual and transcendent states, your level of work satisfaction, your sense of meaning, and so much more. This is what is meant when people say that health and wellness are multifaceted.

The Pillars of Physical Health

Physical health is, of course, a crucial part of your overall wellness. It has a direct effect on the quality of your mental health and should be considered carefully if you’re trying to achieve a healthier and happier life. Physical health is multifaceted too, though, so it’s important to consider each aspect of it and take a holistic approach. There are many aspects to physical health from brushing your teeth to posture. However, the three most significant factors are diet, exercise, and sleep.


A good diet can boost your immune system, increase your energy levels, and help you achieve greater levels of focus. Look for natural products that are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Foods like turmeric, green tea, ginger, and broccoli are bursting with goodness to boost your health. If you’re struggling to get all your vitamins from your diet alone, consider using supplements.


Diet alone won’t keep you healthy. The benefits of an active lifestyle are well-researched and it’s clear that an exercise routine is crucial to physical wellness. Doing more helps you lose weight, build muscles, avoid chronic illness, have more energy, sleep better, overcome pain, and generally feel happier. If you’re among the majority of Brits who spend between four and nine hours at a desk, then consider finding an indoor workout routine that you can use to break up the workday.


Often overlooked, sleep is the foundation of all other aspects of physical wellness. Those who sleep well are more likely to be a healthy weight, eat better, exercise more, and avoid chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Work on forming healthy sleep habits as one part of your overall growth in wellness.

Non-Physical Dimensions of Wellness

Physical health can have a dramatic impact on all other aspects of wellness. Having a great diet, exercising regularly, and sleeping well will undoubtedly improve your mental health. However, did you know that the causal relationship goes both ways? Becoming happier in your non-physical life can also improve your physical wellbeing. There are many non-physical aspects of wellness but three important ones are mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Mental Health

Mental health is a vast and complicated topic. There are many conditions that you’ll want to work to avoid, with 1 in 4 Brits experiencing a mental health problem each year. Depression and anxiety are the most common but PTSD, OCD, and phobias also affect significant numbers of people. These conditions are treatable, though, so if you think you may be experiencing them, then see a doctor. A combination of medication and psychotherapy has helped millions live mentally healthy lives.

Emotional Health

Even if you don’t live with a diagnosable mental health condition, you’ll still have many emotions to process. Negative feelings like grief, sadness, anger, and fear are all a normal part of being human. For many people, they can occasionally become overwhelming. Learning to process and cope with these painful emotions is an important facet of wellness. Forming deep and meaningful relationships is one of the best ways to have an outlet for working through negative emotions.

Spiritual Health

It’s a loaded concept but everyone has a spiritual dimension. Even if you don’t believe in spirits of any kind, it’s worth exploring this aspect of your wellness. All humans are faced with the incomprehensible and inescapable fact of existence. Have you ever asked yourself why you’re here and what it means? These are spiritual questions. Introspection is an attempt to make sense of reality but if it goes wrong, it can lead to an existential crisis and a breakdown in wellness. Meditation is the best way to tune into your own conscious experience of the world, achieve transcendence, and find inner peace.

Holistically-Minded Supplements

While all these aspects of wellbeing can be explored separately, it’s important to remember that health and wellness are multifaceted and that each aspect affects every other. Good sleep improves your diet; your diet dictates your quality of sleep; solo meditation can enhance relationships; good relationships lead to emotional intelligence. It’s all interconnected and that’s why a holistic approach is the way to go.

Neubria supplements are designed with this in mind. You can opt for the Wellness Bundle as a way to simultaneously improve your sleep, mood, and concentration levels. Alternatively, the Active Mind Bundle is specially created to improve both memory and cognition. Use these alongside forming healthy habits to take control of all aspects of your life. Now that you understand how health and wellness are multifaceted, you can work on each aspect and watch your overall level of happiness grow.

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