How Long Does It Take for Vitamins To Work?

How Long Does It Take for Vitamins To Work?

When you start taking vitamin and mineral supplements, most people expect immediate results. After all, you're taking supplements to experience beneficial effects, and you want to experience these effects as soon as possible. Not that we're impatient; not at all.

So how long does it take for vitamins to work; one day, two weeks, three months, or maybe longer?

When it comes to feeling the benefits, there's no single answer, thanks to various factors that impact vitamin absorption – from the type of supplement you're taking to the ways certain nutrients interact with each other in the body. At Neubria, we don't believe in quick fixes with a magic pill; real, authentic results take time and patience, so whilst our supplements get to work immediately, the full effects won't be realised for a few weeks. Consistent consumption is therefore vital.

To help you understand when you may notice a difference, we've outlined below some of the benefits you can expect from day one to year 1.

Day 1

On a biological level, vitamins are absorbed in a matter of hours and have immediate effects – for example, our Charge supplement contains B Vitamins. These B vitamins are the masters of banishing fatigue, and their results can be instantaneous. In fact, various studies have shown that vitamin B can increase energy levels and make you feel more alert within two weeks of consistent consumption. So, remember, while you may notice differences within the first day, they'll quickly disappear if you're not consuming daily.

Day 7

If taken daily, one week into your supplementation may provide you with some more noticeable results. For example, if you've taken our Charge Energy Supplement, you may start to feel less tired and more full of beans throughout the day. On the other hand, our Drift Sleep Supplements could see you relaxing more into your bed and getting a deeper, more fulfilling sleep. The important thing to remember is not to stop your daily dosage, especially if you're starting to feel the effects.

Day 30

In general, a supplement is going to take 2 to 4 weeks to begin to work before you start to feel them 'kick in' as your body is getting used to the vitamins and minerals you're taking. Remember that since the process is slow, you'll gradually start to feel the supplement work in your body; it won't be a night and day difference. For example, studies show that magnesium will start dampening your anxiety and lowering your stress levels after just 28 days. You can find magnesium in both our Sleep and Shine Supplements, which help to drift you off to sleep and keep you feeling positive, respectively.

Month 3

Three months in and your body will be in the groove of your vitamin and nutrient intake. If you're supplementing because of a deficiency, it is at this point that you may notice a significant difference, especially if you've been consistent with your consumption. The next step? Just keep going.

Year 1

Congratulations on making it to a whole year of consistent supplementation! The longer you continue this trend, the more benefits you will reap from our supplements. By this time, research has shown that multivitamin intake can significantly reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, on top of all the other benefits. Who wouldn't say yes to that?

Ultimately, supplements only work when you take them. How soon they work depends on many factors, and there is no magical moment when you can expect them to kick in. So, eat your fruits and vegetables, get some sleep, and exercise daily. With time, you'll figure out a plan that works for you. So, take a look through our collection and start your journey today.

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