The industry problem ...

Supplements were originally developed to fill nutritional gaps, often taking a single target approach to physical health.

But our health and wellness needs are much more complex than this.

The Answer ...

We look at the complex needs of individuals and their daily lifestyles.

Then by bringing together scientific evidence and natural ingredients we synergistically target multiple biological pathways in the mind and body.

The Man Behind Synology

Synology is the brain child of pharmacist, healthcare expert and Neubria's Head of Science and Innovation

Mike Wakeman MSc, MSc, MSc, MA, BScPharm

"Firstly, we determine the doses of vitamins and minerals that are needed to deliver optimal wellbeing.

Then we select the most appropriate supplement ingredients and include them at effective levels.

And finally, from our extensive plant and botanical database, which has taken many years of academic research to compile, we identify the types of compounds they contain to best support the extensive benefits we are seeking to deliver.

This is all supported by a detailed understanding of the way in which these ingredients can work synergistically together to deliver the most comprehensive solution for the multiple needs of the individual.